Ready, Steady, Go STEMerica!

Today, May 12, 2021, the President of the FabLab Association, Roberto Vdović, on behalf of the project consortium signed the Grant Agreement for the STEMerica project.

The project is funded by the European Social Fund (85%) and the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia (15%) within the tender "Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to popularize STEM" up to a total project value of HRK 2,825,482.33.

The project partners are the association Bioteka, Connect-IT, the Astronomical Society Višnjan, the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb and the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum.

The project aims to improve the capacity of civil society organizations to implement interactive, innovative workshops and events at the national level in the field of popularization of STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) among children, youth and the general population. CSO capacities will be strengthened through the participation of members and employees in trainings (18), study visits (5) and public events (16 national and 8 foreign) to encourage cooperation, exchange knowledge and information on good national and European practices. Also, workshops and public events in the field of popularization of STEM in several local communities throughout the Republic of Croatia will be organized and conducted.

It will enable the promotion and rapprochement of STEM topics, demystification of science and dissemination of scientific facts to children, youth and the general population through 44 public events (such as: mobile center "PopUpLab" - traveling van in which innovative and interactive activities and “STEM day”), especially for children and young people through 20 multi-day, innovative and interactive workshops.

After the completion of the project, CSOs will have sufficient capacity and networking at the national level to organize future events in local communities throughout the Republic of Croatia, which will contribute to the sustainability of the project. With the mentorship and professional support of the staff of the Faculty of Architecture and the Technical Museum, the project will create and set up 10 interactive installations in the yard of the Technical Museum, the Astronomical Society Višnjan and the FabLab space. Stalin's set will be available to the general public for use.

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